Replica furniture has received much attention in recent years, thanks to the resurgence in interest in modern interior design in NZ. At DERLOOK, we stock only the best replica furniture designs and offer affordable designer furniture at an everyday price. With a wide variety of colour, fabric, and frame options available at our online store, you will surely find the right replica furniture for your home! The original designs for these were pioneered by famous furniture designers, many of whom were Danish or Scandinavian. So, not only do you have the option to enhance the appeal of your home with a statement piece, but you can do it without breaking the bank.
Why should you consider replica furniture for your home?
You will gain quality affordable replica furniture without the hefty price tag!
This means that you can set up your entire home with replica furniture for the cost that it might take to purchase just a few original furniture items.
With a wide range of design styles, replica furniture represents the best of the best when it comes to sleek, modern design. With high ¬quality construction that is designed to meet the same durability standards as the original pieces they are modelled from, replica furniture offers an affordable and reliable alternative to the original designs.
Accessible to everyone, replica furniture meets all types of different budgets, and if you are looking for one for your home, shop online with DERLOOK. Even better, if you are in Auckland, visit our furniture showroom, and our friendly staff will guide you through different options. Buying furniture has never been this easy!
Functional design in affordable modern replica furniture New Zealand
Replica furniture is not only popular because it looks great, but it is also preferred because it is highly functional and durable. These furniture items have remained in demand even though newer designs have come onto the market.
With stunning, carefully planned designs from Eames, Anna Castelli, Arne Jacobson, Jean Prouvé and other famous furniture designers, our replica furniture from DRELOOK is perfect for any space, be it residential or commercial.
Modern style furniture New Zealand
Much of the affordable replica furniture available in New Zealand today is popular amongst homeowners because it offers them an opportunity to experience the classic originality of modern furniture for a fraction of the original price.
There’s more!
What makes modern furniture stand out against all of the other furniture types is that the design style provides simple, functional construction! There is no need to sacrifice your budget or quality expectations.
Shopping for replica furniture in New Zealand online
Finding high-quality furniture at affordable prices can be somewhat of a challenge. However, DERLOOK seeks to make things easier by offering designer replica furniture at a great price.
We offer one of the largest selections of replica furniture available anywhere in New Zealand, which means that you are sure to find furniture that is both comfortable and stylish for your home or office.
Contact DERLOOK on 09 443 2979 and allow one of our friendly furniture specialists to help you with your furniture needs.
Why choose DERLOOK or affordable replica furniture NZ?
Everyone deserves to own the furniture that they desire.
Bring new life to your home or business today with designer replica furniture that will look stunning all the time. Why settle for anything else when you can acquire affordable, well-made and classy replica furniture at everyday prices?
At Derlook, we give the community access to reliable, durable and long-lasting furniture that will add style to your property, complement your décor and show others that you know how to design your property well.
Our furniture suits both traditional and modern settings and are available in a range of styles and colours so that you will be spoiled for choice. All our furniture is handpicked by our designers who are familiar with the latest trends and picks.
We are certain that you will find what you are after and can help you choose the right piece of furniture for your home or business.
At DERLOOK we source a wide range of replica furniture. Our catalogue includes chairs, tables, stools, office furniture, sofas, Modular sofas, home décor accessories and more. Make sure that you browse our complete range and enquire about a type of product if you cannot find what you are after.
We will do our best to source it so that you can own the furniture you have always wanted!
Contact us today to explore our range!
- 09 4432 979
- Showroom – Unit 9, 15 Piermark Drive, Rosedale, Auckland